
Never Impossible to Help Other People 【一名瑞士非营利机构负责人的援汉日记】

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瑞中之桥(China Switzerland Connection)于2009年在瑞士卢塞恩成立,是一个非营利性协会,旨在将中国和瑞士以民间交流的各种方式联系在一起,促进相互了解和友谊。协会主席Carli Beeli是一名瑞士计算机工程师,平时兼职负责瑞士方面该协会的运作。


新冠病毒抗疫行动开始后,瑞中之桥与深圳市恒晖儿童公益基金会合作,在最紧急的的时刻为抗疫前线捐赠购买运送了大量关键医疗物资(3M-FFP2, 3M-FFP3 口罩1356个,护目镜238副),并捐赠现金协助基金会购买制氧机7台,为前线拯救生命贡献良多。Carli为救援行动写了一篇记录,其中包括了发起救援、寻找物资、运送的过程,一个瑞士非营利协会如何赢得大家信任,以及其他方面的思考。经Carli允许,恒晖将原文翻译出来,作为瑞士友人援助武汉的记录,作为中瑞友谊的见证。


Carli Beeli先生是瑞中之桥瑞方主席,2018年9月,中国启动仪式在瑞士驻华使馆举行




It all started on the eve of the Chinese New Year when I saw that my good friend Zhang Luxi posted in her Wechat Moments an SOS call for medical supplies for Wuhan.

瑞中之桥(China Switzerland Connection)的行动开始于鼠年除夕。那天我注意到我的好朋友张璐西(深圳市恒晖儿童公益基金会副秘书长,医学博士,曾在瑞士留学)在她的朋友圈里发布了为武汉筹集医疗物资的紧急求助。



I wanted to help, but how? It seemed impossible to help. I didn't know exactly what items were needed, how to send them to Wuhan, how much it would cost, I had no funding and on top of that, the shipments should arrive as soon as possible!



A little later more and more people in our public Wechat groups started to talk about it too, and a friend of mine from France got a little angry, because everybody was talking about it, but only few were actually doing something.



So I created a new Wechat Group called “Medical Supplies for Wuhan” and over 100 people joined in, all trying to find out more about how to help the people in Wuhan and where to get medical supplies.



At that time a lot of different information were going around. Everybody was talking about N95 masks, but when I tried to find shops in Switzerland to buy them, I couldn't find any. In Switzerland there were only masks labeled FFP2 or FFP3. I guessed, that N95 masks would be the same as FFP2 or FFP3, but I didn't know for sure, until a guy from Germany suddenly contacted me on Wechat and sent me a link of a German pharmacy website that clearly stated that basically FFP2 was equivalent to N95, and FFP3 was even superior to it.

那个时间有各种各样的信息弥漫着。所有人都在说N95口罩,但是当我去瑞士的药店去购买时,我找不到任何N95口罩。在瑞士只有FFP2 或者 FFP3口罩。我猜,N95口罩可能跟FFP2 FFP3是一类口罩,但是我不是很确定。直到后来,一位德国朋友突然通过微信联系我,并且给我发了一个德国药店的网站链接,上面清楚地写着基本上FFP2 等同于N95,而FFP3的标准甚至高于N95


Shortly after someone contacted me on Wechat, asking me if I would like to get in contact with a team leader from the Hainan Airlines Office in Switzerland who fly from Zurich to Shenzhen twice a week. I agreed, and so I talked to the team leader and asked him many questions about how medical supplies could actually be sent from Switzerland to China. To my relief, he told me that it was actually possible for an association like ours (China Switzerland Connection), to send medical supplies to China, and that it was even free of charge. I have to say that the people of Hainan Airlines were very supportive and uncomplicated, which made me feel more confident that a medical supplies shipment to China could be done by us. Great! - I thought, one more problem solved.



Next problem: Where to find masks? Because we were quite early with our shipment, there were still some shops in Switzerland who still had masks on stock. I checked a dozen shops and called them by phone to make sure that they really had the masks on stock. One morning, I was calling yet another shop and they told me they still had a fair amount of valveless 3M FFP2 and FFP3 masks available. I didn't really have funding available, but I decided to buy all they had on stock, knowing that if I wouldn't find anyone else to help me cover the costs, I would be paying for all of them myself.

下一个问题是:去哪里找口罩呢?因为我们很早就开始行动,当时瑞士的药店里还有一些口罩存货。我给十几家店打了电话来问询他们有存货。我给另外一家药店打电话问询时,他们说他们确实还有不少无阀门的 3M FFP2 and FFP3 口罩。我们当时没有现成的资金,但是我还是决定马上把库存里的全买下来。尽管我明白,如果筹集不到支持的资金,我得自己付这笔钱。


Carli Beeli 最早购买的口罩


When the masks arrived, I made sure to send pictures in our Wechat groups to show others that we really did buy masks and were going to send them. I hoped that some people could be convinced by that to donate a little money to help cover the costs. The problem was just that what I had spent was already a lot, and it was common in Switzerland that people would donate around 20 Francs, which wouldn't cover even a fraction of the amount that was needed.



I was completely surprised that immediately people (From Switzerland, China, France and other countries) would donate huge amounts. Several hundred Francs or even 1000 Francs (1 Swiss Franc = about 7 RMB). I've never experienced anything like it. People who I only knew a little, or who I didn't know at all would be sending hundreds of Francs, no questions asked. The financial worries were solved! We even received so much money, that we could send money to China to buy items from there. China really has some serious friends!

然而,令我感到意外的是,微信群的图片发出来之后,许多来自瑞士,中国,法国和一些其他国家的人们迅速捐出了很大一笔钱,有几百法郎甚至上千法郎的 (1瑞士法郎折合人民币7元)。这是我从未经历过的。许多人同我只是泛泛之交,甚至完全不认识我,二话不说,就捐献了好几百法郎。现在经济上的困扰解决了!我们甚至还有一些富余的钱能够直接捐到中国,在那里购买所需物资。中国确实拥有很多真朋友!


Next problem: When we handed over the parcels to Hainan Airlines, they told us that this was going to be their last flight until end of march, but the problem was that we still had ordered more masks that hadn't arrived yet. So we contacted Air China for the second shipment. The documents required were much more complicated to fill out, but with our friends at Shenzhen Henghui Children's Charity Foundation, we somehow managed to do the impossible! To apply for urgent delivery service (free) from Air China we needed a document from the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland. I contacted Miss Li Ling, head of the consular section of the Embassy, and within a matter of minutes I got the document. Problem solved!

还有另外一个困扰,当我们将包裹交给海南航空时,航司那边说这是三月底前的最后一次航班,但是我们仍然有很多预定了的口罩尚未到达和发送。于是我们联系了国航想进行第二次运输。这次运输需要填写的文件比较复杂,但是幸亏有深圳恒晖儿童公益基金会的朋友帮忙,我们最终解决了这个问题! 向国航申请紧急医疗物资运输需要中国驻瑞士大使馆的文件,我们联系了领事处处长LI LING 女士,秒获文件。这个问题也解决了!


During these days, I found out, that many people who wanted to donate to help the people in Wuhan were worried that their money would not reach Wuhan or would be misused. This is why I tried to make the process of the whole donation as transparent as possible. 0% corruption is the goal! So we made a public list with everybody who donated money, I made pictures of the medical supply items I bought, we made pictures of how we would hand over the items to the airline or at least of the documents made during that process, we made pictures of how the parcels arrived in China and most importantly pictures of how the items arrived in Wuhan. So far, I've got 0 complaints.




The biggest problem of all was to make sure that the items, once arrived in China, could actually be sent quickly to Wuhan. This is something completely out of our control. So we were super fortunate to work together with the Shenzhen Henghui Children's Charity Foundation, who did all these things in a most effective and transparent way. This was super important for the success of this project, because without it, people would lose trust in us.







I posted our medical supply shipments on LinkedIn and the response was huge. Thousands of people cheered and gave us their support. It just shows how much people really do care about China, and about doing good deeds.



Apart from us, other associations and individuals have contacted me in the meantime to learn more about how we did it, so that they could do it too.



This project is truly a team project. Nobody would be able to do it alone. Everybody made the best use of their strengths to work together to help Wuhan. I really want to thank everybody for their help!



This project, full of emotions, like a rollercoaster, just shows:



It is never impossible to help other people!



Wuhan jiayou !


China jiayou !




国内的新冠疫情控制不断传来好消息,感染者数量日渐下降,但在全球却有扩散趋势,韩国、日本、伊朗、意大利等国情况严重。截至本文编辑时(2020年2月29日10:00),瑞士已有8例确认感染者(数据来源:丁香医生)。本文的作者Carli Beeli 先生也表示了担忧,如果疫情继续发展下去,瑞士的口罩也很快会出现告急。


“相知无远近,万里尚为邻”。借此,我们也想通过民间渠道,对需要帮助的他国人民做一些力所能及的事情。目前我们正在积极调研中。如果大家有相关信息,欢迎 留言 与我们联系,提供线索和想法。







